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  • blakejungg

Depop Outfits to Get You on Second-Hand Clothing

As climate change becomes a greater threat, everyone is seeking a way to help save the Earth. One easy way to help is to get second-hand clothing. Carbon emission from the Fashion Industry takes up about 10% of the entire amount and textiles dyes are the second largest polluter of water. Producing just enough of the amount that is demand wouldn't create such an environmental problem, but that's not what most brands are doing. Fast fashion brands use bad fabrics made up of chemicals and plastic as well as cheap labor in order to keep up with the trends and keep their prices low. This leads to an incredible amount of overproduced clothes that just get thrown away. Overproduction, fast fashion, and micro-trends leads to overconsumption, further contributing to pollution. While it might be tempting to purchase from fast fashion brands, there are alternatives that are way better for the environment with similar price points.

In late 2019, thrifting started to get known more by people. I started thrifting in late 2020, and have loved it ever since. You do have to dig to get pieces, but in the end it's so worth it. The low price points and rare vintage items make the whole process so exciting and I will never get tired of thrifting. If you are iffy about going into thrift stores and digging in-person, you can go on online thrift shops like ThredUp and thrift in the comfort of your house. Another way to get second-hand clothing is to go on resale apps like Depop and Poshmark. Items on these apps do tend to be higher priced than thrifting, but it's still around the same price point as fast fashion clothing. These apps provide more rare and exclusive items that would usually be close to impossible to get. It's a great way to find unique items all the while helping the Earth breath! (for tips on how to thrift go look at my other blog posts)

Keep in mind that prices listed below can be lower or higher than the "actual" price because of shipping prices as well as the possibility of negotiating!

Total Price - $243.40


Total Prices - $205.94


Total Price - $233.50


Total Price - $219


Total Price - $411.50

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